Corncob Ranch History
In the 1860s, soldiers found piles of corncobs along the creek of this summer Native American encampment and thus named it Corncob Creek. In the 1870s, the ranch was in turn named Corncob Ranch. This is perhaps the most historic ranch in Wheeler County, homesteaded by Henry H. Wheeler, for whom Wheeler County was named. Wheeler was a colorful figure; as a young man he was involved in a famous 40-mile stage coach chase.
Later Wheeler was a partner in the huge Gilman-French Cattle Company, which ran cattle from Canada to Mexico and allegedly spend every night on ranch-owned property. The ranch claims many firsts - post office, telephone, and others - all necessary to maintain the massive cattle empire.
A Legacy of Adventure
Wildlife abounds on the Corncob Ranch. Deer can be seen in the valleys and a resident herd of antelope watches from the hillside. Elk meander seasonally from the neighboring National Forest. Canadian Honkers, ducks, herons and an occasional flock of swans fly onto the bass and trout ponds. Hawks and eagles soar overhead. Cattle and horses graze in the hillside pastures and the valley meadows. Nature as God meant it to be.

Goodell Legacy
The Corncob Ranch is the 1976 culmination of Rockey Goodell's childhood dream to be a cowboy. Rockey worked as a structural engineer in the Portland area and fought traffic in the 60s and 70s. He achieved his dream and wakes up every morning thinking, "This is Paradise!" Goodell relatives and friends have enjoyed Corncob hospitality, coming back regularly to this favorite place. Goodells have operated the ranch for 40 years, and love sharing this paradise with others.

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